Return to 2000 – 2004

2003 Fool

synt – 01.04.2003 – d/o/b

Urokset- boys
Big-Wood’s Fool’n Cool

Big-Wood’s Fool Me Good

Nartut – girls
Big-Wood’s Fooling Around

Big-Wood’s Fool For You

Lo: lonkat / hips, Kn: kyynärnivelet / elbows, Po: polvet / knees, Si: silmätarkastus / eye examination, Se: selkäkuva/ spine x-rays, Nly: näyttelytulos / show result

Nimi/Name Lo Kn Po Si Se Nly Muuta / more info
Fool’n Cool C/C OK OK OK VARASERT / resCC kastroitu / castrated
kilpaillut tokossa, TK1 / competed in obedience, title: TK1
Fool Me Good 1.4.2003-10.6.2012
Fooling Around C/C OK OK OK C.I.B & FI&SE&NO MVA / C.I.B.& FIN&S&N Ch kilpaillut tokossa / competed in obedience
Fool For You E/E OK OK OK FI&NO MVA / FIN&N Ch


Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great- Great-Grandparents
KANS&FIN&EST&S&N Ch FinW-03 NordW-05 FinJW-99 Newcard’s Fourwheeldrive
Hips: C
Eyes: OK
INT&DK&PL&KLB Ch KBHW-95,-96,-97,-98,-99 EuWV-97 NW-96  NordW-96 Beckrow Beg To Differ Ch Antoc Gabriel of Grangefield Ch Baileswood Geraint
Ch Antoc Angel Delight
Rikarlo Annjka Ch Joseter Joson
Ch Joseter Benita
Newcard’s Cute Cecilia Grangefield Pride And Joy Garrett’s Special Legend of Grangefield
Clywedog Naturally Special of Grangefield
FIN Ch Newcard’s At Last FIN Ch Tasakin Bert
Häiviän Desiree
INT&FIN&S&N Ch EuVW-06 Big-Wood’s Tirion
Eyes: OK,
Hips C/D
FIN&S&N Ch Big-Wood’s Queshi Quardian
Eyes: OK, Elbows 0/0,
Hips B
FIN Ch FinW94 Imago’s Zephyr FIN&EST Ch Imago’s Dancing Tiger
FIN Ch Kilvewood Best Bib’n Tucker
FIN Ch Cesrose Noela FIN Ch Cardelin’s Dancing Dino
FIN Ch Cesrose Gastanja
FIN Ch Big-Wood’s Omaia
PRA-carrier, Eyes: OK
First Flock vd Veulen Hof Ermyn Ianto’s Comedy
FIN Ch Big-Wood’s Heatherbell FIN Ch Sasalu Amber Apollo
FIN Ch Big-Wood’s Chatelaine